
11 Fire Escape Skills


Fire escape skills are one of the important knowledge to protect life and property in case of fire. However, not everyone has mastered these skills, leading to many unnecessary dangerous situations. The following article will provide 11 basic escape skills to help you and your family stay safe in case of fire, and at the same time use fire doors effectively to prevent fire and smoke from spreading.

Find the exit

Find the exit

Identify the fire exit before a fire

Before a fire breaks out, the most important thing is to clearly identify the fire exit in your living or working area. The fire exit can be a staircase, a fire doors, or an emergency exit. In an emergency, these exits will be your lifeline to help you escape quickly and safely.

  • Pay attention to the location of the fire doors in the apartment or office where you live or work.
  • Clearly remember the path leading to the fire hatch or fire-resistant steel doors in the area.

Use fire doors properly

Fire doors not only prevent fire and smoke but also help you prolong the time to escape. When installing fire doors, you should know how to open and close them properly.

  • Always make sure that the fire door or fire hatch is not blocked or jammed.
  • If you see fire or smoke outside, do not open the door immediately, but check the temperature of the door by lightly touching the handle before opening.

Use a fire extinguisher

Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher is an essential skill when a fire occurs. A fire extinguisher can help you put out small fires and open a safe escape route. You should learn how to properly use fire extinguishers such as CO2 or foam to prevent bad situations.

  • Regularly check the status of fire extinguishers in your home and workplace.
  • Place fire extinguishers near fire doors or emergency exits for easy access when needed.

Stay low when moving through smoke

Smoke from fires often contains toxic gases and can be hazardous to your health. When moving through smoke, stay low to avoid inhaling as much smoke as possible. Smoke is usually denser at the top, so staying close to the ground will help you escape the stuffy space and keep the air clean to breathe.

Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose

When respiratory protection is not available, using a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose is a temporary solution to reduce the risk of inhaling toxic smoke. The wet towel helps filter out the smoke and keep your airways clear while moving outside.

Do not use the elevator

In the event of a fire, never use the elevator because the elevator may stop working or turn into a “death trap” when the fire damages the electrical system. The safest way to escape is still through the fire hatch and stairs.

Escape by stairs

When a fire occurs, stairs and fire doors in apartments are the safest way out. Stairs are usually not affected much by fire or smoke if they are designed according to fire prevention standards. Make sure that the path to the stairs is not blocked and the fire doors are always closed to prevent smoke and fire from spreading.

Contact the fire department immediately

When a fire is detected, the first thing to do is to contact the fire department via the emergency number 114. Prompt notification helps the fire department arrive at the scene in time and extinguish the fire before it spreads.

Always stay calm

Staying calm is the most important factor when facing danger. Panic will make it difficult for you to think and act properly. Focus on finding an exit and moving quickly but safely. Once you have escaped, do not return to the dangerous area for any reason.

Find a safe place if you can’t get out

If you can’t get out, find a room with a fireproof door to protect you from the smoke and fire. Close the door, seal any cracks to keep smoke out, and wait for the rescue team to arrive. If possible, signal your location to the fire department by phone or by waving a towel or flashlight from a window.

Check and maintain fire doors regularly

To ensure that fire doors always operate effectively when needed, you should check and maintain them regularly. If fire doors are not maintained, they may lose their fire resistance and fail to meet safety requirements in the event of a fire.

Some points to check:

  • Check that fireproof materials such as heat-resistant rubber gaskets are still functional.
  • Make sure the fireproof steel door is not deformed or warped.
  • Check the automatic door closing system and accompanying accessories such as hinges and door handles.
  • Check that the fireproof door meets the standards of QCVN 06:2022/BXD.
KH Shield Fireproof Panel

KH Shield Fireproof Panel

Don’t forget to prepare carefully before an incident occurs

Choosing the right fire protection solution such as installing a standard fire door is an important factor in protecting lives and property in the event of a fire. KH Shield with fireproof steel doors, insulation panels and Fireshieldpro technology brings you a comprehensive solution, ensuring safety for all projects.

Contact KH Shield immediately via hotline 0909 668 666 for detailed advice and installation of the best fire door products for your project!

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