
Discover the causes of fires in everyday life and solutions to overcome them


In modern life, fire is always a potential danger that can happen anytime and anywhere. Understanding the causes and preventive measures not only helps us protect our property but also ensures the safety of ourselves and our families. This article will focus on exploring the common causes of fire in daily life and propose effective solutions. Fire doors, one of the important solutions to limit and prevent the spread of fire.

Fire caused by interior

Fire caused by interior

Causes of Fires from Electrical Appliances

Electrical appliances are the leading cause of fires in the home. Problems such as short circuits, overloaded wiring, or faulty equipment can easily lead to fires and explosions. The use of poor quality electrical appliances, failure to comply with safety standards, and lack of regular maintenance are the main causes.


  • Select and use electrical appliances that meet safety standards.
  • Regularly check and maintain the electrical system in the home.
  • Use fire doors to prevent the spread of fire in the event of a fire.

Fires from heat sources in the kitchen

The kitchen is a fire hazard area.

The kitchen is a fire hazard area.

The kitchen is a place with many potential fire and explosion risks, especially when using cooking appliances such as gas stoves, electric stoves, and microwave ovens. Cooking errors such as overcooking food, hot oil evaporating and causing fire and explosion are common causes.


  • Always supervise the cooking process, do not leave the stove running when unattended.
  • Equip a small fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
  • Use fireproof materials for walls, floors, and doors to limit the risk of fire spreading.

Risks from heating appliances

In winter, the use of heating appliances such as electric heaters and gas heaters is very common. However, if not used properly or placed near flammable materials such as curtains and clothes, they can cause fire and explosion.


  • Place heating appliances away from flammable materials.
  • Turn off the appliance when not in use.
  • Use fireproof steel doors to ensure safety for flammable areas in the home.

Fires from smoking

Smoking is also one of the main causes of fires, especially when smokers carelessly dispose of burning cigarette butts or fall asleep while smoking.


  • Do not smoke indoors, especially in bed.
  • Use ashtrays with lids to ensure that cigarette butts are completely extinguished.
  • Equip areas such as bedrooms with fire doors to ensure safety.

Fires from lighting devices

Electric lamps, candles and oil lamps can also cause fires when they are knocked over or placed near flammable materials. Many large fires have occurred when people forgot to put out candles or used oil lamps unsafely.


  • Do not leave candles burning unattended.
  • Use fire retardant solutions or fire-resistant materials for curtains, carpets and other household items.

Fires from outdoor activities

Activities such as barbecues, camping and burning trash outdoors also pose a fire risk. When left unchecked, a fire can spread and cause a serious fire.


  • Only grill or light a fire in areas that are approved and equipped with fire protection equipment.
  • Do not light a fire near areas with dry grass or flammable vegetation.
  • Fireproof panels and fire doors can be used to protect outdoor structures from the risk of fire spreading.

Fires from chimneys and fireplaces

Chimneys that are not regularly maintained are prone to soot buildup and can cause fires. Fireplaces are also a potential fire hazard if not properly maintained.


  • Clean chimneys regularly.
  • Use fireproof poles or fireproof wooden doors to prevent fires from spreading from heated areas.

Chemical Fires

Chemicals such as paint, kerosene, gas, and other flammable solutions can cause fires and explosions if not properly stored. Families often have the habit of storing chemicals in the house without being aware of the risk of fire and explosion.


  • Store chemicals in a cool place, away from heat sources.
  • Use fireproof panels to prevent fire from spreading in case of an accident.
  • Ensure that chemical storage areas are equipped with fireproof steel doors.

Fire from air conditioning system

Air conditioning system, if not cleaned and maintained regularly, can also be the cause of fire due to overheating or electrical short circuit.


  • Clean and check the air conditioning system regularly.
  • Use fireproof duct covers to limit the risk of fire spreading from the ventilation system.

Fire from construction works

Construction works, especially those that do not comply with fire safety standards, can easily become the source of fire. This is especially dangerous in apartment buildings or high-rise buildings.


  • Comply with steel structure fireproof standards and use apartment fire doors to protect people and property.
  • Equip modern fire protection solutions such as fireshieldpro technology to ensure safety.

Fire from vehicle system

Vehicles can also be the cause of fire due to electrical short circuit, fuel leakage or use of flammable materials.


  • Regularly maintain your vehicle to ensure safety.
  • Equip a small fire extinguisher in your vehicle.
  • Use fire-resistant materials in parking areas, especially in underground parking lots.

Remain vigilant against fire hazards

By understanding the causes of fire and taking appropriate preventive measures, we can minimize the risk of fire and protect ourselves, our families and our property.

End with a comprehensive solution

Fireproof wooden door solution

Fireproof wooden door solution

Fire doors and fireproof materials are necessary solutions in every home and building. Investing in these solutions not only helps limit the spread of fire but also ensures long-term safety. KH Shield provides high-quality products and services that meet all modern fire safety standards. Contact us via hotline: 0909 668 666

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