
Fire doors regulations for buildings


Fire doors are one of the important factors to ensure the safety of construction works, from apartment buildings, office buildings to industrial parks. Compliance with regulations on fire doors not only helps protect human lives but also minimizes property damage in the event of a fire. In this article, we will learn about the regulations, standards and requirements in current construction works.

Project using EI60 door

Project using EI60 door

Fire doors standards in Vietnam

In Vietnam, regulations related to fire doors are clearly stated in legal documents and technical standards. According to Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BCA on fire prevention and fighting, construction works must ensure the use of fire doors at strategic locations such as exits, machine rooms and areas prone to fire.

Door testing

Door testing

The main standards include:

  • Fire door standards TCVN 9383:2012: This is the standard applied to fire doors in Vietnam. Accordingly, the door must be able to withstand high temperatures for a minimum period of 30 minutes to 180 minutes, depending on the level of danger in the installation area.
  • Fireproof standards for steel structures: Fireproof steel doors must comply with regulations on steel structures in fire prevention and fighting, ensuring the sustainability of the building during a fire.
  • Fireproof materials: Doors must be made from specialized fireproof materials such as steel, fireproof wood, or special types of insulation panels.

Regulations on door installation in apartments

Apartment fire doors are a mandatory requirement according to the law to ensure the safety of residents. Doors in apartment buildings are often installed in corridors, emergency exits, and basement areas.

Requirements for fireproof doors in apartments:

  • Minimum fire resistance time: Doors in apartments must withstand high temperatures from 60 to 120 minutes, depending on the installation location.
  • Automatic opening and closing: Doors must be equipped with an automatic closing system when there is a fire to prevent fire and smoke from spreading, ensuring safety for residents and rescue teams.
  • Fire safety certification: Door products must be certified by a competent authority on fire prevention and fighting safety before being installed.

Choosing materials for doors

Material is a key factor in determining the fire resistance of the door. Currently, there are many types of fireproof materials on the market with different properties and technologies, providing better heat resistance and durability.

Some popular materials include:

  • Steel: Fireproof steel doors are a popular choice for large projects. Steel doors are designed with an anti-rust coating, helping to protect the door from the effects of temperature and harsh environments. In addition, steel has good fire resistance, meeting fire prevention standards.
  • Wood: Fireproof wooden doors are often used in buildings with high aesthetic requirements such as villas and hotels. Although wood is more flammable than steel, with a special fireproof treatment, wooden doors still ensure the ability to prevent fire from spreading.
  • Specialized insulation panels: Some modern technologies such as KH Shield’s Fireshieldpro insulation panels help increase the fire resistance of the door. These insulation panels are not only fireproof but also soundproof and heatproof, bringing convenience to users.
Fireproof panels, insulation panels

Fireproof panels, insulation panels

Benefits of complying with fire door regulations

Complying with regulations and standards on fire protection solutions not only helps ensure safety but also brings many other benefits such as:

  • Minimizing damage to people and property: When a fire occurs, the door helps prevent the fire from spreading, protects the safe area and facilitates evacuation.
  • Meeting legal requirements: Buildings that do not meet fire prevention and fighting regulations will be fined or suspended. Therefore, installing fire doors is mandatory to comply with the law.
  • Enhancing the value of the building: Buildings with standard fire prevention and fighting systems will increase their value of use and ensure safety for residents or workers.

Factors to consider when installing fire doors

To maximize the effectiveness of the door, the following factors should be noted:

  • Installation location: The door must be installed in important areas such as corridors, exits, basements, and machine rooms. Choosing the right location will help optimize fire prevention capabilities.
  • Regular maintenance: Doors need to be checked and maintained regularly to ensure they always work well when an incident occurs.
  • Choose a reputable supplier: To ensure quality and compliance with regulations, you should choose reputable fire door suppliers such as KH Shield, a unit specializing in providing fireproof steel doors, fireproof wooden doors, and other types of fire protection solutions.

Cannot be ignored

To ensure maximum safety for buildings and residents, compliance with door regulations is something that cannot be taken lightly. Choosing the right type of door, ensuring technical standards and proper installation will bring safety and peace of mind to everyone.

Doors are not only part of the technical requirements of buildings but also a solution to protect people from potential dangers from fire. Contact KH Shield, a leading provider of fire protection solutions, for detailed advice and to choose the right product for your project.

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