
Fire prevention and fighting in residential areas: things to keep in mind


Fire safety in residential areas is an important issue and requires special attention. When a fire occurs, it not only causes property damage but also directly threatens human life. This article will provide basic information on fire prevention in residential areas, from common causes of fire and explosion, how to prevent it, to necessary measures when an incident occurs. In particular, we will focus on the role of fire doors in protecting the safety of buildings and residents.

Phòng Cháy Chữa Cháy Trong Khu Dân Cư

Fire Prevention and Fighting in Residential Areas

Common Causes of Fires and Explosions in Residential Areas

Electrical Failures

One of the most common causes of fires and explosions in residential areas is electrical failure. Problems such as old electrical wiring, overloaded outlets, or damaged electrical equipment can lead to short circuits and sparks.

Unsafe use of fire

The use of gas stoves, stoves, candles, or other open flame devices is also a common cause of fires and explosions. In particular, if not careful or left unattended, the risk of fire and explosion is very high.

Storage of flammable substances

Flammable substances such as gasoline, oil, gas cylinders, chemicals, etc., if not stored properly, will pose a potential risk of fire and explosion in residential areas.


Cigarette butts that have not been completely extinguished when in contact with flammable objects are also a common cause of fires and explosions.

Fire prevention measures in residential areas

Use fire doors

Fire doors are one of the effective solutions to help prevent the spread of fire and smoke in a building. Specially designed to withstand high temperatures, fire doors can keep fire in a certain area for a long time, giving residents more time to evacuate and minimize property damage.

Install a fire alarm system

The automatic fire alarm system will detect and warn immediately when there is smoke or a sudden increase in temperature, helping residents promptly detect and handle the incident.

Check and maintain the electrical system regularly

To prevent electrical incidents, it is necessary to regularly check and maintain the electrical system in the house. Old, damaged electrical equipment should be replaced and safety equipment should be used.

Proper storage of flammable substances

Flammable substances should be stored in a safe place, away from sources of fire and high temperatures. Gas cylinders should be checked periodically to ensure there are no leaks.

Strengthen education and propaganda

It is necessary to raise residents’ awareness of fire prevention and fighting through training, propaganda and education sessions.

Fire fighting measures when an incident occurs

Use of fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are necessary equipment in every family and residential area. When there is a fire or explosion, fire extinguishers can help extinguish the fire immediately before it spreads.

Sprinkler system

The automatic sprinkler system will spray water when the temperature exceeds the allowable threshold, helping to extinguish the fire and minimize damage.

Safe evacuation

When a fire or explosion occurs, stay calm and follow the evacuation instructions. Make sure to use the stairs instead of the elevator and move quickly out of the building.

Call the fire department

Contact the fire department immediately for professional assistance. Provide specific information about the location and situation of the incident so that the fire department can intervene promptly.

The role of fire doors in protecting residential areas

Cửa chống cháy chung cư

Fireproof doors at Urban Green use KH Shield panels

Cửa chống cháy

Fireproof door model using KH Shield panel

Prevent fire from spreading

Fire doors are designed to withstand high temperatures and prevent fire from spreading from one room to another. This helps protect the building structure and minimize damage.

Protect escape routes

In the event of a fire, fire doors help protect escape routes, creating safe conditions for residents to move outside.

Increase response time

Fire doors using insulation and fireproof panels from KH Shield extend response time, giving residents more time to evacuate and the fire brigade more time to intervene.

Reduce property damage

By preventing fire from spreading, fire doors help reduce property damage, protecting furniture and household items.

How to choose and install fire doors

Choose a qualified fire door

Fire doors need to meet quality and safety standards, ensuring heat resistance and preventing fire from spreading.

Proper installation

Fire doors need to be installed by experienced professionals to ensure effective operation.

Regular maintenance and inspection

Fire doors need to be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they are always in the best working condition.

Fire prevention in residential areas

Fire prevention in residential areas is an important issue, requiring attention and investment from both the government and residents. Using effective fire prevention solutions such as fire doors, automatic fire alarm systems, and increasing awareness of fire prevention will help protect people’s lives and property. KH Shield is committed to providing high-quality fire prevention solutions that meet all customer needs.

With KHS’s commitment to providing high-quality products and services, we can trust in a safer future. Contact KHS for advice and choose the most suitable fire protection solutions for your project. Please contact KH Shield via Hotline: 0909 668 666 for advice from us.

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