
Things to know about water fire extinguishing systems (Sprinklers)


Sprinkler systems are one of the most effective and popular fire protection solutions today. Widely used in buildings, factories, and many public areas, this system not only helps prevent the spread of fire but also protects lives and property. This article will provide an overview of water fire protection systems, from how they work, types of systems, to their benefits and maintenance requirements.

Hệ Thống Chữa Cháy Bằng Nước (Sprinkler)

Water Fire Extinguishing System (Sprinkler)

What is a water fire extinguishing system?

A water fire extinguishing system (Sprinkler) is an automatic system designed to detect and extinguish a fire. When the temperature in the area reaches a preset level, the system will automatically activate and spray water to extinguish the fire. These systems are usually installed on the ceiling and connected to a continuous water source.

Structure of the Sprinkler system

The Sprinkler system includes the following main components:

  • Sprinkler head: This is the most important part of the system, designed to detect temperature and spray water when necessary.
  • Piping system: Responsible for carrying water from the source to the sprinklers.
  • Water source: Provides continuous water supply to the system, usually a tank or city water supply system.
  • Water pump: Ensures sufficient water pressure to spray through the sprinklers.

How it works

When the ambient temperature reaches a certain level (usually around 68 degrees Celsius), the sprinkler head will automatically open and spray water. The water sprayed will extinguish the fire and reduce the temperature in the area.

Types of Sprinkler Systems

There are many different types of Sprinkler systems, each suitable for specific conditions and requirements. Here are some common types of systems:

Wet pipe system

This system always has water in the pipe, ready to spray water as soon as the sprinkler head is activated. This is the simplest and most common type of system, suitable for areas that do not freeze.

Dry pipe system

Instead of water, a dry system contains compressed air. When the sprinkler head opens, the air is released and allows water to flow into the system. This type of system is suitable for areas that are at risk of freezing.

Pre-action system

This system combines wet and dry systems. Water only flows into the system when there is a signal from both the fire alarm system and the sprinkler heads open. This type of system is used in areas where unnecessary water spraying is avoided, such as computer rooms.

Deluge system

This system has all sprinklers pre-opened and water only flows in when there is a signal from the fire alarm system. Suitable for areas with high fire risk.

Benefits of Sprinkler Systems

Protecting lives

Sprinkler systems can detect and extinguish fires before they spread, helping to protect the lives of everyone in the building.

Minimizing property damage

Timely extinguishing of fires helps reduce property damage and protect infrastructure.

Meet Safety Standards

Installing a sprinkler system helps buildings meet safety standards and fire regulations.

Reduced Insurance Costs

Insurance companies often reduce insurance premiums for buildings equipped with sprinkler systems, as the risk of fire is reduced.

Sprinkler System Maintenance Requirements

Regular Inspections

Sprinkler systems need to be inspected periodically to ensure they are operating effectively. Inspections include checking the sprinkler heads, pipes, water pumps, and water sources.

Sprinkler Cleaning

Sprinkler heads need to be cleaned periodically to avoid clogging due to dirt or debris.

System Testing

The system needs to be tested periodically to ensure that the components are operating properly. Testing includes checking the water pressure and the water spraying ability of the sprinkler heads.

Choosing the right Sprinkler system

Assessing the risk of fire and explosion

Before installing a Sprinkler system, it is necessary to assess the risk of fire and explosion in the area to choose the right type of system.

Consulting experts

It is recommended to consult with fire protection experts and system suppliers to make the best choice. KH Shield provides advanced fire protection solutions and has a team of experts ready to advise.

Other fire protection solutions from KH Shield

In addition to the Sprinkler system, KH Shield also provides many other effective fire protection solutions such as:

Fire doors

Fire doors have many applications such as: wooden doors, apartment doors, steel doors, fire-resistant rolling doors to help prevent fire from spreading and protect escape routes.

Cửa chống cháy

Fireproof doors use KH Shield fireproof panels

Fireproof Materials

Using fireproof materials in construction helps to increase fire safety for the building.

Fireproof Duct Cover

Fireproof duct covers help prevent fire and smoke from spreading through the ventilation system.

Bọc chống cháy ống gió

Fireproof air duct covering using KH Shield

Fireproof panels

KH Shield’s fireshieldpro fireproof panels are the optimal solution for areas that need fire protection.

Fireshieldpro technology

Applying Fireshieldpro technology to fireproof panels and insulation panels from KH Shield helps improve fire protection efficiency and comprehensive protection for buildings.

Water fire protection system (Sprinkler)

Water fire protection system (Sprinkler) is one of the most effective and popular fire protection solutions today. Installing and maintaining this system not only helps protect lives and property but also ensures compliance with safety standards. To have an effective fire protection system, it is necessary to choose the right type of system and perform periodic maintenance. KH Shield with advanced fire protection solutions and a team of experts is ready to advise and support customers.

With KHS’s commitment to providing high-quality products and services, we can trust in a safer future. Contact KHS for advice and choose the most suitable fire protection solutions for your project. Please contact KH Shield via Hotline: 0909 668 666 for advice from us.

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