
Types of Fireproof Glass and Applications in Construction


Fireproof glass is one of the important building materials, helping to prevent and minimize the risk of fire and explosion. With the development of technology, in addition to fireproof wooden doors, many types of fireproof glass have been developed and applied in many construction works, from houses, offices to industrial works. This article will introduce common types of fireproof glass and how to apply them in construction.

Các Loại Kính Chống Cháy và Ứng Dụng Trong Xây Dựng

Types of Fireproof Glass and Applications in Construction

What is fireproof glass?

Fireproof glass is a type of glass specially designed to withstand high temperatures for a certain period of time, preventing fire and smoke from spreading to different areas of the building. Fireproof glass is usually made of multiple layers of glass and insulating film, which enhances heat resistance and fire resistance.

How fireproof glass works

When exposed to high temperatures, the glass layers and insulating film in fireproof glass will expand and create a protective layer, preventing fire and smoke from entering through the glass. This helps protect people and property inside the building in the event of a fire.

Common types of fireproof glass

Tempered fireproof glass

Tempered fireproof glass is a type of glass that is reinforced by rapid heating and cooling. This type of glass has better heat resistance and fire resistance than regular glass.


  • Good resistance to force and impact
  • High temperature resistance


  • May crack if impacted strongly

Laminated fireproof glass

Laminated fireproof glass is made up of multiple layers of glass and insulating film, which enhances heat resistance and fire resistance. When exposed to high temperatures, the glass layers will expand and create a protective layer, blocking fire and smoke.


  • Good fire resistance and heat resistance
  • Protects people and property


  • Higher cost than single-layer glass

Ceramic coated fireproof glass

Ceramic coated fireproof glass is a type of glass coated with a layer of heat-resistant ceramic, which enhances fire resistance. This ceramic layer is capable of withstanding high temperatures and preventing fire from spreading.


  • Heat-resistant and fire-resistant
  • High durability


  • High cost
  • Requires regular maintenance

Applications of fire-resistant glass in construction

Applications in housing

Fire-resistant glass is widely used in residential buildings to protect family safety. Windows, doors, and partitions made of fire-resistant glass help prevent the spread of fire and protect people and property inside the house. In addition, fire-resistant glass can also be combined with fire-resistant wooden doors to increase fire resistance.

Cửa chống cháy

Fireproof doors using KH Shield panels at Urban Green project

Office Applications

In office buildings, fire-resistant glass is used to create safe working spaces. Partitions, windows, and doors made of fire-resistant glass help prevent the spread of fire and smoke in the event of a fire.

Many office buildings also use fire-resistant wooden doors to increase the building’s protection and fire resistance.

Cửa gỗ chống cháy

Fireproof wooden doors at Renaissance Saigon International School project

Applications in industrial buildings

Fireproof glass is also used in industrial buildings where there is a high risk of fire and explosion. Partitions, windows, fireproof wooden doors and doors made of fireproof glass help protect workers and equipment in the factory.

Benefits of using fireproof glass

Increased safety

Fireproof glass helps prevent fire and smoke from spreading, protecting people and property in the building. This is especially important in high-rise buildings and industrial buildings.

Minimizing damage

Using fireproof glass helps minimize damage caused by fire. By preventing fire from spreading, fireproof glass helps protect areas from being affected by fire.

Increased aesthetics

Fireproof glass not only has a protective function but also brings modern beauty to the building. With diverse and highly aesthetic designs, fireproof glass helps buildings become luxurious and safe.

Choosing the right fireproof glass

Determine the need for use

Before choosing fireproof glass, it is necessary to clearly identify the need for use and safety requirements of the project. For example, for residential buildings, tempered fireproof glass may be a suitable choice, while for industrial buildings, laminated or ceramic-coated fireproof glass will be safer.

Check certifications and standards

When purchasing fireproof glass, it is necessary to check the certifications and standards on fire safety. This ensures that the fireproof glass meets safety and quality requirements.

Choose a reputable supplier

Choosing a reputable and experienced supplier in the field of manufacturing and supplying fireproof glass helps ensure the quality of products and services. KH Shield is one of the leading providers of fire protection solutions, including fire-resistant glass.

Fire-resistant glass

Fire-resistant glass is a fire-resistant solution that helps protect people and property in the event of a fire. With different types of fire-resistant glass such as tempered fire-resistant glass, laminated fire-resistant glass, and ceramic-coated fire-resistant glass, consumers can choose the type of glass that suits their needs. Using fire-resistant glass not only increases safety but also brings aesthetic beauty to the project. Contact KH Shield for advice and choose the most suitable fire protection solutions for your project.


With KH Shield’s commitment to providing high-quality products and services, we can trust in a safer future. Contact KHS for advice and choose the most suitable fire protection solutions for your project. Please contact KH Shield via Hotline: 0909 668 666 for advice from us.

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