
What requirements must fire doors meet when installed?


Fire doors are an important factor in protecting life and property in the event of a fire. To ensure the effectiveness of fire doors, compliance with technical requirements and standards during installation is mandatory. In this article, we will learn about the factors that a fire door must meet during installation to ensure fire safety for the building.

Fire doors for buildings

Fire doors for buildings

Fire resistance standards for doors

Project using fire doors

Project using fire doors

Fire resistance time is the first factor to consider when installing fire doors. In Vietnam, fire resistance standards for doors are clearly specified in Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BCA. Accordingly, doors must be able to prevent fire for a period of 60 minutes to 180 minutes, depending on the type of construction and installation area.

Fireproof steel doors and fireproof wooden doors must ensure that they are not deformed or damaged when exposed to high temperatures within the specified period of time. This helps prevent fire and smoke from spreading, protecting surrounding areas.

Fire resistance time standards:

  • 30 minutes: Applicable to small civil works or areas with low risk of fire.
  • 60 – 120 minutes: Usually used for doors in apartments, office buildings, and commercial buildings.
  • 180 minutes: Applicable to high fire risk areas such as technical rooms, basements or warehouses containing flammable materials.

Fire-resistant materials ensure durability

KH Shield Fireproof Panel

KH Shield Fireproof Panel

Fireproof materials used in doors are key to improving fire resistance. Currently, there are many types of fireproof materials used in door production such as steel, fire-resistant wood, or specialized insulation panels.

  • Fireproof steel doors: Commonly used in constructions with high risk of fire. Steel has high durability, good fire resistance and meets steel structure fire resistance standards. In addition, steel doors are also highly aesthetic, suitable for many types of modern constructions.
  • Fireproof wooden doors: Treated with fire retardants, wooden doors help increase heat resistance while still ensuring aesthetics. This type of door is often used in areas with high requirements for appearance such as villas and hotels.
  • KHS Fireshieldpro fireproof panels: Advanced technology such as KH Shield’s Fireshieldpro provides high-quality insulation and fireproof panels, helping to enhance the fire resistance of doors. These products have been tested and certified for their ability to effectively block high temperatures and resist fire.

Fireproof locking system and accessories

Doors must be equipped with standard locking systems and accessories. The locking system must be heat-resistant and not deformed in the event of a fire. Fireproof accessories include hinges, door handles, and escape bars. In particular, an automatic door closing system is required for doors to prevent fire and smoke from spreading.

Requirements for accessories:

  • Heat-resistant lock: The lock of a fireproof door must be made of a material that is heat-resistant and will not melt or deform when exposed to fire.
  • Automatic closing: Fireproof doors must be equipped with an automatic closing system to ensure that there are no gaps in the event of a fire.
  • Escape bars: Fireproof doors installed at exits must be equipped with escape bars so that people inside can easily escape in the event of an incident.

Installation location and legal regulations

The installation of fire doors must comply with Vietnamese legal regulations. Legal documents related to fire prevention and fighting clearly stipulate the locations where doors must be installed, such as:

  • Exits: Doors must be installed at exits in all large and small buildings, from apartment buildings to shopping centers and office buildings.
  • Technical rooms: Rooms containing electrical systems, generators, or explosive technical equipment must have doors to prevent fires from spreading to other areas.
  • Basement: For buildings with basements, doors are required at entrances and exits to ensure safety in the event of an incident.

Legal regulations:

  • According to Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BCA and National Standard TCVN 9383:2012, construction works must install doors at strategic locations such as exits, machine rooms, and basement areas.

Safety certification and inspection

Another important factor when installing fire doors is that the product must be certified and inspected for fire resistance by competent authorities. Before being put into use, the door must be thoroughly inspected, including the material, fire resistance time, and accompanying accessories.

Inspection requirements:

  • Fire safety certification: Doors must have a certificate of meeting fire safety standards from the Ministry of Public Security or other competent authorities.
  • Periodic inspection: After installation, the doors must be periodically inspected to ensure that they always operate properly when an incident occurs.

Don’t ignore safety

Fire door installation must fully comply with technical and safety regulations to ensure effectiveness in preventing fires. From the choice of materials, installation location, to accompanying accessories, each factor plays an important role in protecting people and property when an incident occurs.

If you are looking for standard fire door solutions, KH Shield is a leading supplier with many years of experience and reputation in the market. KH Shield products not only ensure quality but also fully meet national fire safety standards. Contact hotline 0909 668 666 immediately to receive detailed advice and optimal solutions for your project!

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