
Fire and explosion protection according to QCVN 06:2021/BXD and Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP


At the seminar event “Wanting to Be Safe” took place on March 18 with the topic of fire and explosion prevention according to qcvn standards at ADORA Convention Center (Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh City), nearly 300 business representatives Industry manufacturers, contractors, and design consultants have experienced outstanding applications of fireproof panel solutions, KH Shield insulation panels produced and supplied by KH Shield Joint Stock Company.

Difficult problems have solutions – fire and explosion protection according to QCVN 06:2021/BXD standards

Along with the explosion of construction projects at different scales, fire and explosion risks have become a constant worry. To prevent these risks as well as minimize loss of life and property due to fire and explosion, a series of new State management regulations have been issued and require relevant businesses to strictly comply.

This poses a difficult problem for businesses when their products must ensure they meet fire prevention and insulation standards as prescribed in explosion protection according to QCVN 06:2021/BXD and Decree No. 136/2020. /ND-CP; while stabilizing production costs and business efficiency. But with the current situation, most fire prevention and insulation materials have to be imported from abroad at extremely expensive costs, and the time it takes to import materials is difficult to meet demand. The domestic market still lacks materials that meet fire prevention and insulation standards according to new regulations.

While many businesses are still struggling with this difficult problem, a series of fire protection solutions from KH Shield Joint Stock Company was born as a solution, fully meeting the strict requirements of prevention regulations. fire and explosion for houses and buildings, while helping businesses optimize production and construction costs.

Speaking at the conference “Wanting to Be Safe, Be Safe”, Mr. Nguyen Trung Kien – Member of the Board of Directors and Director of External Affairs of KH Shield Joint Stock Company – shared:

“After 4 years of operation since our establishment until now, we have achieved many achievements in providing solutions for applying fireproof panels and KH Shield insulation panels to projects across the territory. Vietnamese territory.

With the goal of providing green, clean, and environmentally friendly products, KH Shield’s engineering team has selected suitable materials from agricultural waste, natural minerals, and fiberglass mesh. and adhesives in researching and successfully manufacturing products that are safe for users, and aiming to not only satisfy the domestic market but also reach out to the international market.”

Tại sự kiện Hội thảo “Muốn An Được An” diễn ra vào ngày 18/03 vừa qua với chủ đề chống cháy nổ theo quy chuẩn qcvn tại Trung tâm Hội nghị ADORA (Phú Nhuận, TP.HCM), gần 300 đại diện doanh nghiệp là các nhà sản xuất, nhà thầu, tư vấn thiết kế đã được trải nghiệm những ứng dụng vượt trội của giải pháp tấm chống cháy, tấm cách nhiệt KH Shield do Công ty Cổ phần KH Shield sản xuất và cung cấp.

Những bài toán khó đã có lời giải - chống cháy nổ theo quy chuẩn qcvnMr. Nguyen Trung Kien – Member of the Board of Directors and Director of External Affairs of KH Shield Joint Stock Company spoke at the conference “Wanting Peace, Being Safe”

Accompanying businesses to create a safe life

Researched and developed since 2018, KH Shield fireproof and insulation board products have accompanied more than 40 businesses across the country to create fireproof structural product systems that meet inspection standards. At the recent “Wanting to Be Safe” conference, KH Shield Joint Stock Company was officially announced to hundreds of businesses about the brand, mission and vision of the business.

“KHS fireproof panels and insulation panels were born based on the urgent need to increase fire safety of buildings in parallel with the strong development of modern society, contributing to the mission of creating create a peaceful living environment for every Vietnamese person.” – Mr. Nguyen Trung Kien said.

The above goals are completely well-founded. Currently, KH Shield Joint Stock Company’s factory is equipped with multi-system automatic production technology with most equipment imported from Germany and Taiwan, and a capacity of 2.7 million. square meters per year. At the same time, the exclusive FireShieldPRO KHS technology is also a factor that helps KH Shield fireproof panels and insulation panels possess outstanding advantages, conquering fireproof solutions with strict requirements on the market. school.

 sản phẩm KH Shield

KH Shield product information received special attention from businesses attending the seminar

With a portfolio of high quality products manufactured by a team of experts and engineers with deep expertise; Meets all fire protection inspection standards; KH Shield panels are considered the leading fire protection solution expert in Vietnam today. At the conference, fire prevention and insulation applications of KHS panels were introduced, including some outstanding and necessary applications for construction projects such as: protecting steel structures, hatches. fire prevention, fire valves, air ducts, wooden fire doors, steel fire doors, and many other diverse applications.

giải pháp bọc bảo vệ kết cấu thép

KH Shield panels when applied to protective coating solutions for steel structures

Sản phẩm KH Shield

KH Shield products are applied to fire prevention duct solutions, attracting a lot of attention from businesses

Ready to accompany businesses to remove obstacles when applying national technical regulations on fire safety for homes and buildings; Within the framework of the conference “Wanting Safety, Be Safe”, KH Shield Joint Stock Company connected businesses with three speakers who are leading experts in the field of fire protection. The seminar “Resolving difficulties in applying QCVN 06:2021/BXD and Decree 136/2020/ND-CP for businesses” specifically answered questions surrounding procedures and process of registering for sample combustion testing at the Institute. Construction Science and Technology, as well as specific technical information about material structures when registering for sample combustion testing.

áp dụng QCVN 06:2021/BXD

A series of questions from businesses about applying QCVN 06:2021/BXD were specifically answered by three speakers.

The conference “Wanting to Be Safe” was organized by KH Shield Joint Stock Company, a unit specializing in manufacturing and supplying fireproof panels and insulation panels in the field of fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam. KH Shield’s product system has achieved testing results at the Institute of Construction Science and Technology and the Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue. At the same time, the workshop aims to help businesses choose the right solution to improve product quality, develop business and above all, contribute to increasing the safety of buildings using fire prevention solutions. explode.

Watch the full video of the seminar: If You Want Peace, Get Peace here:

Register for consultation

Consultation on fire and explosion prevention solutions

    nhân viên KH Shield