
Fire partitions use KH Shield panels effectively for projects


A building that ensures quality and safety needs to be protected by a space fire protection system. Fire partitions using KH Shield panels are considered the most effective fire prevention and building protection solution today. So, what is a fire partition? How effective are fire partitions? Join KH Shield to find out the information below.

Why do buildings need to maintain their integrity when a fire or explosion occurs?

Đầu tư hệ thống ngăn cháy sẽ giúp công trình duy trì tính toàn vẹn khi có sự cố cháy nổ xảy ra

Investing in a fire prevention system will help the building maintain its integrity when a fire or explosion occurs

For a project to operate well, ensure quality as well as fire safety, the first requirement is its integrity. Therefore, protection to maintain the integrity of the project is extremely important.

At the same time, prolonging and maintaining the structural integrity of a building is always the main goal of fire prevention work. Fire partitions are one of the effective solutions to help fire prevention structures maintain their integrity longer in a fire.

Projects to ensure fire safety quality will include many fire prevention solutions, of which fireproof walls are an important solution, bringing high protection efficiency to the project.

There are many options for fire barrier solutions, which means that investors and manufacturers need to do careful research.

Sharing by Mr. Nguyen Van Binh – Representative of the Center for Consulting and Technology Transfer on Fire Prevention and Rescue:

Currently, all construction projects need to meet strict fire prevention and fighting standards and regulations. To achieve that, we need to seriously learn about fire prevention space solutions, and learn thoroughly about in-depth technical solutions from fire prevention solution experts. Project profits are good, cost savings are good, but a project’s ability to protect people is the most important factor.

Through sharing, we can see more clearly the importance of maintaining the integrity of the building and the importance of fire prevention solutions. The core value of each project is to be able to protect people well against the impact of the environment and unexpected incidents.

2. Fire partitions using KH Shield panels – an effective fire prevention solution for all projects

On the market today there are many fire prevention solutions, in which the fire partition system using KH Shield panels is considered the optimal and quality fire prevention solution. The fire partition solution using KH Shield panels meets all the necessary elements for the project: quality – durability – beauty – cost savings.

Cấu tạo vách ngăn cháy ứng dụng tấm KH Shield

Fire partition structure using KH Shield panels

The fire partition solution using KH Shield panels is simply constructed, including two KHS.HF.M insulation panels and a metal wall frame. In particular, KHS.HF.M insulation panels are manufactured from quality materials, modern production technology… creating a complete fire barrier solution that meets fire protection standards according to QCVN 06:2021 regulations. /BXD.

Thử nghiệm giải pháp vách ngăn cháy khi ứng dụng tấm KH Shield

Testing fire partition solutions when applying KH Shield panels

KHS.HF.M thermal insulation panels possess many outstanding advantages such as:

  • Non-flammable, no smoke, no toxins: Smoke in a fire contains many active particles, vapors, toxic gases, etc., which greatly affects human health and life. KHS.HF.M thermal insulation panels use exclusive FireShieldPRO technology, which helps fireproof walls prevent flames for a long time, without generating smoke and toxins.
  • 3 hours of use when exposed to fire at 1000 degrees Celsius: KHS.HF.M thermal insulation panels have a very low thermal conductivity coefficient of only K= 0.122 – 0.197 (W/mK), providing effective fire prevention and insulation capabilities. fruit.
  • Durable in humid environments: Tested according to US ASTM standards, the moisture expansion of KHS.HF.M insulation panels is 0.01%, showing that in humid environments, the panels still retain their inherent performance. and does not change volume, helping the construction components stay intact and provide peace of mind for the project as well as users.
  • Environmentally friendly green materials: Made from agricultural by-products and safe imported materials, do not contain toxic substances, and are not burned during production, making KHS.HF.M insulation panels absolutely safe. with the environment and human health.
  • Meets all fire protection standards: KH Shield heat insulation and fireproof panels have undergone many tests and are guaranteed to meet all fire protection standards. Typically, VIET WOOD CONSTRUCTION TRADING PRODUCTION COMPANY LIMITED has tested and achieved EI 150 for the fire partition system at the Institute of Construction Science and Technology – IBST.

3. KH Shield – The best fire protection solution expert today

KH Shield is proud to be a pioneer in providing safe fireproof materials and leading fireproofing solutions in Vietnam.At KH Shield, we provide fireproof panels and insulation panels for leading fire protection solutions. With the spirit of dedication and desire to build, the KH Shield team is constantly striving to develop fire safety solutions to bring a better and more prosperous life to people.

Tấm chống cháy, tấm cách nhiệt KH Shield

Fireproof panels, KH Shield insulation panels

The fire partition solution using KH Shield panels is highly appreciated by experts as well as undergoing testing and practical results; Provides complete protection for projects.

KHS.HF.M insulation panels and KHS.FA fireproof panels at KH Shield are guaranteed to be the best quality and most trusted products on the market today. Coming to KH Shield, customers will clearly feel the difference that creates success by the following 3 factors:

Specialized products

KH Shield specializes in manufacturing specific fireproof materials. Using exclusive fire protection technology FireShieldPROⓇ, it can resist fire for up to 6 hours.

In-depth solutions

KH Shield staff with high professional qualifications, professional and dedicated working spirit, always ready to support customers. KH Shield always offers the best solutions to help customers overcome professional and technical difficulties to ensure QCVN 06:2021/BXD standards.

Professional service

Coming to KH Shield, customers will receive full, fast and professional support. The staff at KH Shield are always enthusiastic, dedicated, dedicated and always try to develop for customers and good values ​​for society.

Above is useful information about fire partition solutions using KH Shield panels. Hopefully it will help you better understand the fire barrier solution. For more detailed information, please contact us via hotline 0909 668 666. KH Shield – Vietnam’s leading fire protection expert.

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